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Believe in your innate wisdom

Heart Fire Sanctuary

Offering transformative ceremonies, conducting immersive wilderness experiences, and passing on the legacy of sustainable living practices.


Heart Fire Sanctuary was created to dispel the myth that we are separate beings.


We offer opportunities for people to gather in ceremonial settings designed for healing our inner lives and relationships with each other and the Earth. All are welcome.

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Healing Medicine and Ceremonies

We facilitate journeys for healing Mind, Body, and Spirit. We focus on helping our clients create a strong personal intention, a safe, relaxed, and trauma informed container, with a thorough integration and follow-up. We offer private indoor journeys, group circles, and immersive, deep dives into nature.

Wilderness Journeys and Gentle Walks

The ultimate healing teacher is the Earth.  Your relationship with her is unique and divine. By immersing yourself into nature you can eliminate distraction and remember who you are and what’s truly important for you. We offer multi-level opportunities to experience this for yourself.

Tea: Meditation and Excursions

Tea is a sacrament known for its delicious health benefits and its ancient ability to relax and focus our Mind and Body. Come join us at Heart Fire Sanctuary to enjoy mindfulness and tea together, or on an excursion that blends this experience with Oregon’s wonders.

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Clay and Creativity
Yukti Wood Kiln

We offer workshops based on being and working with clay: the skin of our Earth.

We hone our sense of touch, intuition, and skill to remember our innate joy and nurture community connection.




“What a joy to have shared such a magical evening beneath the shelter and by the blazing warmth of the heart of your budding sanctuary. Thank you for bringing your beautiful and open heart to your work, to the world, and for sharing it”

--Margret Sanger
Full Moon Tea Ceremony, April 2021

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